Gerringong Uniting Church

Your local church family here in God's country!

We are a friendly, medium-sized church family who are committed to serving our community in the name of Christ. Our mission statement is ‘Life. Love. Laughter.’ – we aim to have all our activities marked by these characteristics.

There are many different groups and activities taking place via which we encourage and serve others, and there is a worship service and special interest group to suit just about everybody.

Our strength is our sense of community. We are all about being a community of faith where people are supported and enjoy life to the full with one another (see John 10:10 for more info). Our mission is to serve both our local community and our world by focussing on the older generation, youth and young families.

Our church continues to enjoy a strong association with Mayflower Village, our local UnitingCare aged-care facility. Many of our members either live at Mayflower or volunteer their time there in a wide range of capacities.

We also operate Chittick Lodge conference centre here in Gerringong as part of our service to the community. You can visit the Chittick Lodge website at

You can find out more about the Gerringong-Gerroa community at

We exist to serve our community, our nation, and our world in the name of Christ. In short, we love because he first loved us (see 1 John 4:19). As such, we actively support the following local, regional, national and international ministries via prayer, financial and practical assistance:

UnitingCare Mayflower Village
KBECET (Kiama Board for the Employment of Christian Education Teachers)
Wollongong Mission
Frontier Services
Wrap with Love
TEAR Australia
Micah Challenge
World Vision (40 Hour Famine)
Lent Event
Samaritan’s Purse (Operation Christmas Child)
Siyandlulisa (WEC Johannesburg)

We are part of the extended Uniting Church family, one of Australia’s largest Christian denominations. This means we can receive (and offer) support and accountability from the broader church when needed. The Uniting Church sits within the Methodist, Presbyterian and Congregational Christian traditions. We are part of the NSW Synod and the Illawarra Presbytery.

We enjoy a twinning relationship with our friends from Forbes Uniting Church. In October 2010 we headed out to Forbes to enjoy a combined church camp with the Forbes mob.

We would love to see you at any one of our gatherings or functions that take place at our Fern St centre and around town.

See below a quick guide to who we are and what we believe…

Gerringong Uniting Church is…

A secure church… experiencing the grace of God.

A confident church… enjoying the salvation of Jesus Christ.

A powerful church… receiving the fullness of the Holy Spirit.

A Bible-based church… listening for the Word of God in the scriptures through which our faith and obedience are nurtured and strengthened.

A worshipping church… praising God in worship and witness for whom he is and what he has done through Jesus Christ.

A growing church… presenting Christ so that all people develop to their full potential.

A serving church… ensuring the emotional, physical and practical needs of all people are sensitively and lovingly addressed.

A witnessing church… modelling the life of Christ in our community and the world.

We currently have three worship services each Sunday at Fern St, and a monthly mid-week communion service. Sunday worship at UnitingCare Mayflower Village commences at 10am.

9am: Our morning service is held in our historic stone building and most weeks features a performance from our accomplished choir. On average, around 80-100 people attend this service each Sunday. On the first Sunday of each month we celebrate communion and share in morning tea after the service.

10.30am: This family service is targeted primarily at kids, and runs during the school term. We sing songs, do craft, tell stories and do heaps of interactive activities as we learn more about our great big God. Mums & Dads have a discussion time while the kids are doing more fun stuff. Around 30 kids & grown-ups currently attend this service.

5.30pm: Our evening service has a laid back feel and is followed by an evening meal. A kids’ club and creche is provided. The music is contemporary and the congregation is a wonderful mix of ages and backgrounds. Anywhere between 50-90 kids & adults fill the hall during this service each week.

Mid-week communion: On the 4th Wednesday of each month we share in a short communion service at Fern St which is preceded by morning tea in the hall. Morning tea starts at 10.30am and the service kicks off at 11am.

Worship @ Mayflower Village (in Belinda St, Gerringong) happens on Sunday at 10am with a range of people from local churches leading and speaking at the services.

Community organization